Page 33 - MDSL Final
P. 33

        Its  character  is  that  of  a  professional  fighting  force  with  rich  naval
        traditions and a proud maritime history. Our ethos are the enduring spirit
        derived from our people’s loyalty to their ship, unit or team sustained by
        high professional standards and strong leadership, that gives us courage
        in adversary and the determination to fight and win. This ethos might
        also  be summarised as the drive  to achieve  professional  mastery  at
        sea. Essentially, the SLN’s professional mastery, together with that of
        the other two sister Services namely Sri Lanka Army and Sri Lanka Air
        Force is the critical foundation on which all joint operations are based.
        Therefore equally, it is incumbent on members of SLN to understand the
        ethos of land and air forces that may fight with a maritime force.

        SLN is a fighting force with a desirable and sound record of operational
        success during both peace and war. While capable platforms, weapons
        and  sensors  are  significant,  success  mainly  depends  on  the  moral
        component and the ethos that underpins naval personnel will to fight
        and win.

        SLN also needs to balance the maintenance of its combat preparedness
        with  the  many  essential  and  often  conflicting,  requirements  of
        enlistment and retention, education and training, peacetime operations
        and  activities,  sustainability  and  future  capability  development.  The
        successful fulfilment of every one of these elements depends absolutely
        upon, comprehensive and thoroughly understood ‘Maritime Doctrine of
        Sri Lanka’.


               “Wars may be fought with weapons, but they are won by
               men. It is the spirit of the man who follow and of the man
                             who leads, that gain, victory.”

                                                   General George Patton

        It is not merely the ships and craft, weaponry onboard and technology
        which  give the SLN its  capability, but  the way that these elements
        are employed.  It is  therefore naval  personnel  who  generate the real

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