Page 32 - MDSL Final
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                                    CHAPTER 2

                             THE HUMAN FACTOR

        Vision and Mission

        The Vision of SLN is ‘To develop into a naval force capable of countering
        Brown, Green  and  Blue  water challenges with  a formidable  force
        structure  to  achieve  National  Security  Objectives  and  safeguard  Sri
        Lanka’s Maritime Interests.’

        The Maritime Doctrine of Sri Lanka takes its cue from vision statement
        of SLN and restructured the mission statement as ‘To maintain, train and
        equip a combat ready naval force capable of achieving National Security
        Objectives and safeguard Sri Lanka’s Maritime Interests whilst nurturing
        a stable environment at sea.’

        In order to successfully carryout this mission, SLN maintains capability to
        perform following key functions:

                   •  Conduct of prompt and sustained operations at sea.
                   •  Provide the afloat forces for sealift.
                   •  Provide/obtain air support essential for naval operations.
                   •  Provide naval forces  for the conduct  of amphibious
                   •  Interdict enemy capabilities through operations at sea.
                   •  Conduct/obtain  close  air and  naval  support  for land
                   •  Organise, train, equip and provide forces for surveillance
                       and reconnaissance, protection of shipping and mitigate
                       traditional and non-traditional threats.


        The Navy is  developed, organised, trained  and  supported to deliver
        combat power at and from the sea in line with SLN’s vision and mission.

        14   To Nurture a Stable Environment at Sea
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