Page 64 - MDSL Final
P. 64


             Horizontal escalation

             Deployment  of  SLN  fleet  for  hunting  floating  warehouses
             hundreds  or  sometimes  thousands  of  nautical  miles  from
             land - expanding the geographic scope of a conflict.

             Vertical escalation
             LTTE  attacking  SLN  craft  with  23mm  guns  fitted  on  their
             platforms  much  before  SLN  started  using  same  and  SLN
             changing its strategy from a brown water confrontations to
             pursuing  and  engaging  LTTE  ships  (floating  warehouses)  in
             international waters towards the latter stages of the conflict –
             increasing the intensity of the conflict by employing types of
             weapons not previously used in the conflict or attacking new
             categories of targets.


        It is a situation where conditions are altered to use of force to attain
        political objectives by a large scale, of greater intensity or longer duration
        than it had predicted or was prepared at the initial stages. 32

        Persuasion and Dissuasion

        Persuasion  is  convincing  another  state, by  diplomatic  means  without
        the threat or use of force to carry out certain actions that are in its
        own interests, by emphasising the benefits of the actions to that state.
        Dissuasion  is  convincing  another  state  by  diplomatic  means  without
        the threat or use of force to abstain from carrying out certain actions
        that are harmful to own interests. In this context, naval forces with its
        inherent attributes and capabilities are ideal to carryout persuasion and
        dissuasion. 33

        46   To Nurture a Stable Environment at Sea
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