Page 62 - MDSL Final
P. 62


        Achieving the change of behaviour of enemy by inducement using own
        military force and its capabilities is termed as compellance. In order to
        induce the enemy’s behaviours, a superior force is requested with better
        communication and correct leadership to control the enemy’s use of
        force. 27

                “The skilful commander imposes his will on the enemy
                  by making the enemy come to him instead of being
                                brought to the enemy.”

                                                             Sun Tzu


        The  use  of  own  military  capabilities  as  threat  against  the  enemy  to
        hinder their will to fight and achieve superiority over them is termed as
        coercion. In this context, psychological pressure build up on the enemy
        is more  appropriate  than the physical pressure  imposed  on them.
        Thereby, own forces will be able to destroy enemy’s will to continue the
        aggression. 28

              “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without

                                                        Sun Tzu


        Deterrence is preventing aggression by convincing a potential aggressor
        that the cost of coercion would be more than its likely gain. This could
        be achieved by raising the cost (deterrence by punishment) or denying
        the gains (deterrence by denial). Similarly, deterrence could be define
        as passive deterrence which is implicit in the maintenance of military
        capability, strategy and active deterrence requires a more overt posture
        in terms of deployment and readiness. 29

        44   To Nurture a Stable Environment at Sea
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