Page 59 - MDSL Final
P. 59

        Uncertainty  leads  to  estimation  and  acceptance  of  risk.  Risk  is  an
        inherent quality in war. The risk is equally present in action and inaction.
        Therefore, it is necessary to accept the risk in war. However, it is required
        to bear in mind that the acceptance of the risk does not guarantee the
        entire likelihood of success.

                  “Fog of War - Uncertainty and confusion generated
                  in wartime by a combination of limited, incomplete,
                 inaccurate and contradictory information, deliberate
                   deception and the mayhem and stress caused by

                                                   On War - Clausewitz


        Fluidity is an inherent attribute of war. Each phase of a war is the temporary
        result of exclusive combination of circumstances, producing a unique set
        of problems which requires an original solution. In addition, each phase
        is the combination of past and future actions shaped by the previous
        actions  and  shaping  the  condition  for  the  future  action.  Therefore,
        conduct of war requires flexibility of thoughts. Hence, success will be
        determined on the ability in adaptation, proactively shaping the events
        to our advantage and reacting to constantly changing conditions.
        Tempo of the activities in war will influence the success. However, it is
        impossible to continue and sustain high tempo activities for a longer
        period even at the time of our advantage over the enemy. Time and
        space  could  influence  the  tempo  of  war  but  need  not  to  curtail  our
        action.  Nevertheless,  it  is  necessary  to  develop  competitive  tempo
        between each other to influence and exploit enemy’s tempo to obtain
        an advantage over them by continuously creating events.
        Navy will mass to concentrate her combat power against the enemy
        action. However, the massing of naval combat power is vulnerable for
        enemy action. Therefore, competitive action required to be developed
        by  dispersing  and  concentrating  to  avail  the  vulnerability  to  enemy
        combat action.

                                                To Nurture a Stable Environment at Sea  41
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