Page 61 - MDSL Final
P. 61


        The means of war is force, applied in the form of organised violence
        and its immediate result is bloodshed, destruction and suffering. Since,
        violence is present, it is embedded with fear and it has significant impact
        on the conduct of war. Fear resulted to eliminate the will. Therefore,
        leaders must foster courage to overcome fear. Leaders must study and

        understand fear and be prepared to counter it. Leaders should develop
        cohesion, teamwork and the self-confidence of individuals to conquer
                 ‘Courage is not the absence of fear; rather, it is the
                             strength to overcome fear.’

        Concept on Use of Force

        Destruction and Attrition

        Physically destroying of enemy’s war fighting capabilities such as their
        military  hardware,  troops,  command  and  control  facilities  mostly  by
        using  military  force  is  termed  as  destruction.  Gradual  but,  steadily
        destruction  of  enemy’s  war  fighting  capabilities  in  order  to  degrade
        the war-waging ability is termed as attrition. In the context of maritime
        warfare, naval forces are determined to achieve both destruction and
        attrition by applying their multi-dimensional naval capabilities. 26

               The  destruction  of  ten  LTTE  logistics  ships  (floating
               warehouses) by SLN in 2006/2007 which were stationed
               in high seas loaded with warlike materiel, effectively cut
               off the supply of arms and ammunitions for the fighting
               cadres on land was a significant  factor in degrading the
               war waging capability of the adversary and finally ultimate
               defeat in 2009.

                                                To Nurture a Stable Environment at Sea  43
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