Page 89 - MDSL Final
P. 89

        Conceptual Innovation

        To meet government policies, SLN required to develop future defence
        capabilities,  ‘Out  of  the  Box’  concepts  and  ideas  bring  an  element
        of  uniqueness  into  operations  and  must  be  encouraged  during  the
        doctrine development process, for the innovative application of combat
        power.   SLN maintains a  progressive  programme  of intellectual and
        academic engagement, education and experimentation. Understanding
        the doctrine  contributes directly to  the conceptual  component.  The
        conceptual  component  is  also  updated  by  conceptual  innovation,
        capturing  how  our  thinking  changes  over  time  in  response  to  new
        technologies, structures and challenges.

              By early 1990s LTTE had developed suicide boats, since they
              were unable to operate at a very high speed at the time,
              our Fast Attack Craft could outmanoeuvre them. However,
              LTTE improved their suicide craft, using multiple engines
              with higher horse power during the ceasefire from 2002 to
              2006. With these improvements they were able to actually
              threaten the Fast Attack Craft. This became very evident
              when the hostilities began in 2006. So we had to look for
              an  alternative to  the  new  scenario.  The  Sea  Tiger boats
              were capable of doing 40 knots which is about 80 km/h.
              We  had  to  develop  a  counter  strategy.  Our  answer  was
              the small boat concept. Thus, SLN  developed a low profile
              small boat with superior speed, high manoeuvrability and
              lethal  fire  power  similar  to  the  weapon  outfit  of  a  Fast
              Attack  Craft.  Squadrons  of  these  craft  were  stationed  in
              strategic locations. This small boat concept was successful
              in effectively countering LTTE suicide craft threat.

                       The Man behind The NAVAL STRATEGY -
                          (BUSINESS TODAY February 2009)

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