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        tigers in brown, green and even in blue waters with the effective support
        of other branch naval personnel onboard. It would not be wrong to say
        that after the Falkland War in 1982, after a period of 25 years, it was
        the officers and sailors of SLN  that  fought a battle at sea approximately
        1835nm (3400km) away from home.

        Engineering Branch

        SLN has a professional team of expertise in Marine, Mechanical, Hull
        Repair (Shipwright), Automobile Engineers and sailors which comprise
        the Engineering branch whose primary role is to maintain/upkeep of a
        varied and increasing fleet of modern ships/ craft while ensuring the
        technical seaworthiness of the fleet. Basically, the focus of this branch
        is  to  keep  the  fleet  at  sea.  Further,  they  are  involved  in  design  and
        construction of naval ships/craft. This branch also maintains slipways,
        most machinery and vehicles in SLN.  In addition, operators of naval
        vehicles including heavy machinery are also assigned to this branch. The
        cradle of the Engineering branch is the Naval Dockyard in Trincomalee.

        Logistics Branch

        A sound logistics support is one of the key elements of any professional
        Navy. No war can be fought without an effective logistic support. Logistics
        sustain the required tempo of operations. It is the logistics branch that
        provides a silent service to execute battle design and takes care of logistic
        support of SLN. It is involved in planning, forecasting and execution of
        the  budget,  supply  chain  management,  information  technology  and
        inventory management of fuel, spare parts and other items required
        for day to day running of ships and establishments. In addition, logistics
        branch is entrusted with meeting the food and clothing requirements of
        the naval personnel, which play a crucial role in maintaining their morale.
        Applied correctly, logistic support can produce a force multiplying effect
        out of all proportion to the scale of resources involved.
        Electrical & Electronic Engineering Branch

        A  warship  is  a  mini-floating  city  with  an  integral  power  generation
        system,  complex  communication  equipment,  various  electronic  and

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