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 systems and precision-guided munitions mainly based on autonomous platforms either drones or   CHAPTER 7
 unmanned surface vehicles to prevent illicit activities. Other than the traditional systems, defence
 systems against  non-traditional  firearms and systems including  drone  attacks  are  essential to   NAVAL CONTINGENCY FORCE
 mitigate the possible threats to naval assets and the threat from the sea in the contemporary world.
 Financial constraints may obstruct the acquisition of sophisticated weapon systems. However, the   Establishment of a Naval Contingency Force (NCF)
 SLN’s experience with home-grown solutions by modifying weapon systems cost-effectively to
 suit  to  purpose  during  humanitarian operations gives the  green  light  on future  innovations  in   NCF constitutes a repository of crucial resources, capabilities and forces that a nation maintains to
 weapon and defence in Sri Lanka.   safeguard its national security and respond adeptly to unexpected diverse threats, whether they be
                   conventional or unconventional in nature. In the realm of maritime strategy, this reserve operates
 Energy Conservation   as an external reinforcing force, not pre-committed to any specific major capability but utilized to
 Due  to  the heavy  involvement of technology,  the energy  consumption of SLN is  one  of the   meet regular military operation requirements.
 concerns. These are mainly in the form of electricity and fossil energy. The total units consumed
 for the year 2021 was 28,577,819 kWh and SLN has reduced the consumption by 10% in 2023   Establishing the NCF within the SLN is imperative, aligning with the maritime security objectives.
 compared to the year 2021. Other notable aspects are as follows;   This force serves as a prioritized and robust element in national efforts during emergencies, and
                   which considered as a standby force. The operandi of NCF is significantly influenced by regional
 ●   Use of Renewable Energy.  The introduction of Solar PV systems as feasible is   security  collaboration,  partnership, political will, public opinion, and global geopolitical  and
 another aspect to develop in the energy sector. Remote locations where the national   security shifts (cyber and hybrid, etc). The NCF will be used as a force multiplier.
 grid is  not  available,  street  light  systems  and  rooftops  of large buildings  are
 identified as possible suitable locations to install Automated Solar PV systems.   Effective Utilization of NCF
 Most of the bases and detachments are located in the coastal belt and dry zones
 where solar energy harvest is high will be an added benefit for SLN to implement   The NAVSTRAT-2030 has identified the delicate balance of combat power as a prerequisite to
 this project. SLN to seek the possibility of this attempt through collaborations.   mitigate threats to  the security  of the  country. However, this  strategic stand-in  is designed to

 ●   Periodic Maintenance.  SLN continues  carrying  out  periodic maintenance of   manage emergencies until main force reinforcements arrive and this may function as a Quick
                   Reaction Team  (QRT)  with technical  and  technological  capabilities.  This ensures  long-term
 systems running with fossil fuels and electricity including; main engines, auxiliary   sustainability and combat professionalism in hasty response, relief and rescue military operations
 machinery, AC systems and motors to ensure energy efficiency.   at any place, in given time. According to maritime security objectives, NCF consists of Special

 ●   Energy Audits.  Energy audits are carried out in-house and with the assistance of   Boat Squadron (SBS), Rapid Action Boat Squadron, Rapid Response Rescue and Relief Unit
 other stakeholders  and  governing  institutions  such as the  Sustainable  Energy   (RABS and 4RU) and Marines. In view to ensure best optimization, NCF is to be deployed in
 Authority to ensure efficient energy usage and to identify the drawbacks to mitigate   predetermined locations of important around Sri Lanka with all military capabilities under the
 appropriately.    naval classic roles encompassing military, diplomatic and HADR aspects.
 ●   Continuous  Monitoring,  Education  and Awareness.  The SLN continuously
 educates and monitors energy consumption and the details are published on the   ●   Special Boat Squadron (SBS).   The  SBS  stands  as  the  distinguished  naval
 main page  of SLN  internal  web  to aware naval personnel of SLN  energy   SOF and the sole elite force within the SLN. It is entrusted with the execution of
 consumption patterns and insist on energy saving.   small-scale, clandestine, covert  or  overt  Special  Forces  operations,  often of an
                                 unorthodox and high-risk nature. Furthermore, SOF is operating seamlessly across
                                 sea, air, land and sub-surface domains.
 Technology to Accomplish Naval Role

 SLN is entrusted to carry out non-naval duties in various capacities. Such duties required special   ●   Marines.   Marines  is  a  designed  and  specialized  to  conduct  land  and
 equipment and systems other than the available sensors. Apprehension of radioactive substances,   amphibious operations  such  as  counter  insurgency operations, anti-piracy
 chemicals, drugs and some contraband items can only be done with specific detectors. Real-time   operations and act as Commander’s reserve in emergencies.
 and predicted meteorological data can be obtained by satellite systems and weather forecasting
 systems subjected to subscribe such on a payment basis. Prevention of oil spills, firefighting and   ●   Rapid  Action  Boats  Squadron  (RABS).  Based  on the  concept  of ‘swarming
 damage control can be efficiently carried out with modern equipment. The CBRN response teams,   tactics’, the RABS was formed and deployed in a limited maritime domain close to
 VBSS teams, 4RS, RABS, VIP protection teams, SBS, Harbour Defence Units, Marines, Divers,   coastal  waters  during wartime.  However,  at  present this  unit  is  equipped with
 Naval Hospitals and the duties of similar specific units will ease up with wearable sensors and   skilled personnel and necessary resources to perform a range of HADR activities
 modern advance systems, which SLN is essentially required to possess.   such as rescue operations, life-saving  duties  during disaster situation, lifeboat
                                 handling, assistance  in  aquatic  recreational in  coastal waters  and  inland water
                                 bodies, waterborne rescue, rescue patrols in reservoirs, rivers and coastal areas.

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