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 Digital Transformation   ●      Cyber Warfare/  Information  Warfare and  Espionage.  Foreign   countries,
                                 non-state actors and even individuals can engage in cyber warfare or espionage.
 Digitalization of SLN began way back intending to be a paperless Navy. The IT branch has been   The CSC to develop strategies, acquire technologies to detect, prevent and respond
 established and strengthened for this purpose. Most of the systems including the E-pay, Integrated   to  all such  threats,  and educate  all  concerned. Due  to  the  increment of users,
 Logistics Management System (ILMS), Health Management System (HMS), Human Resource   conducting regular training programmes to enhance cyber security awareness and
 Information System (HRIS), Transport Management System (TMS), etc. were converted to online-   ensure data integrity is essential for all naval personnel.
 based systems.  These cost-effective,  efficient,  and flexible  systems have  eased up  the
 administrative process enhancing collaboration across individuals, departments and institutions.   Design, Research & Development

 SLN needs to improve every aspect of functioning in the digitalized platform including personnel
 assessments and naval examinations with the help of digital technologies and applied digitalization   Design,  R&D  can  play a  vital  role in  improving SLN. Some  of  the fleet units,  systems  and
 with a full-blown data-driven digital transformation strategy to seek sustainable growth in the   equipment are aged or obsolete and their spares are no longer available or extremely expensive.
 organization. The following focal points are essential to consider in this process in the next five   This has compelled SLN to find alternative solutions to maintain the operability of the fleet and
 years and beyond:   other systems. Several key concerns in Design and R & D are as follows;

 ●   Enhanced Connectivity and Communication.  Ensure real-time communication,   ●   Solutions  for  Operational  Matters.  Since  the  Humanitarian  Operations,
 collaboration and seamless sharing of information within the Navy and with the   different units involved in Design and the R & D sector in SLN have developed
 outside. Data network to be upgraded with SLN’s network and with leased lines to   home-grown solutions for operational issues. Modernization of Bush Master Gun
 ensure 24 x 7 connectivity while keeping redundancies for safe and continuous   mount, steering control systems, fire alarm systems, bilge alarm systems, UAVs,
 operation in extreme emergencies.   building automation systems, medical robots and control systems for ships and craft
                                 have saved billions of money to flow from SLN. Naval engineers and technicians
 ●   Data-driven  AI Powered  Decision Making.  It is  essential  to enhance   have  done  these cost-effective modernizations  with  limited resources  and fund
 coordination within  SLN  to  achieve  data-driven decision-making by  collecting,   allocations. This process can be continued further benefiting the country subject to
 handling and analysing vast amounts of data. The AI integration, automation and   receipt of sufficient provisions.
 machine  learning  ease  up and  speed up the  data  analysis  process essentially
 required for decision-making. This Human-Machine Teaming  by collaborating   ●   NSR  Projects.  The  SLN  R&D  has engaged  with several NSR  projects
 naval personnel with autonomous systems will optimize resource allocation and   successfully. The outcomes of such projects including the fabricating of Medicine
 will improve overall operational efficiency to achieve objectives.   Infusion  System for  Thalassemia patients  and  Reverse  Osmosis  (RO) plants  to
                                 provide  purified safe  drinking  water to  the community since  2015 to  prevent
 ●   Development of IT Infrastructure.   IT infrastructure development is essential   Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) exhibit the best use of naval professionalism to the
 to establish a fully digitalized environment. This includes sufficient data network   nation while saving public money.
 facility, computers and other user interfaces.

                   Invention of in-house solutions for most of the issues would be one of the best viable options for
                   SLN to maintain its operational status and reach sustainable growth by 2030 and beyond. To
 ●   Online or Computer Based Assessments and Examinations.  This will enhance   achieve that, the following could be viable options in the Design and R&D sectors;
 the transparency of examinations and will speed the assessment process in SLN.

                          ●      Collaboration  with  Sister Services and  Military  Institutions. Foster
 Cyber Security                  collaboration with military, academic and research institutions to assist stay abreast
                                 of emerging technologies and leverage research for naval applications. The KDU,
 To maintain operational integrity and protect sensitive information, cyber security has become one   College of Military Engineering and Technology Sri Lanka (CMETSL), Centre for
 of the prime concerns of the Navy with ever-increasing dependence on digital technologies as a   Defence Research and Development, R&D units of SLA and SLAF are possible
 result of digital transformation.
                                 entities to collaborate to pursue improvement in defence R&D.
 ●   Cyber  Security  Cell.  SLN Cyber Security Cell  (CSC)  is  responsible  for
 establishing  a  dedicated  cyber security framework  to  protect critical  naval   ●   Local  and International  Collaborations.  It  is  possible  to improve this  sector
                                 through collaboration and cooperation with local and international, government and
 infrastructures including communication and data networks, command and control   non-government institutions including universities, technical forums, associations,
 systems, online administrative and  management  systems, weapon  systems and
 classified information from cyber threats.   etc. in the form of donations, knowledge and assets sharing.

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