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Sufficient Budgetary Allocations ● Simulation. Virtual and augmented reality technologies can be utilized for
training purposes, allowing naval personnel to simulate complex scenarios and
This will be the most crucial and essential aspect in the process of enhancing technology and enhance their skills in a risk-free environment. Digital training tools contribute to
innovations in SLN. Rightsizing any military force emphasizes the necessity of strengthening the the continuous improvement of skills and readiness.
force with technology while adjusting the manpower appropriately reducing in numbers. The cost
of manpower will be further high in the future. This will affect recruitment and retention.
Integration of technology will replace the use of manpower in many sectors providing long-term ● Joint Exercises and Sharing. Strengthening partnerships through joint exercises
advantages. Hence, budgetary allocation to invest in R&D will not go in wain for SLN and the and sharing knowledge and assets with regional and international navies to have a
country. Accordingly, the units engaged in Design, R&D, production, construction, testing and win-win situation for all stakeholders. This can be done through temporary
monitoring in SLN are to be equipped with cutting-edge technologies and need to provide adequate attachment or exchange programmes.
budgetary allocations and human capital to harvest the best. ● Technology Transfer. It is essential to ensure proper technology transfer methods
within the Navy. This will ensure the smooth functioning of systems equipment and
Technology and Related Human Capital Development enhance the operational capabilities in the long term. Training, awareness and
adherence to the standard practices are required to transfer the technology and
The trained, skilled and experienced manpower is considered as the biggest asset in SLN. Amidst technology-related knowledge from one generation to another within the Navy.
financial crises, SLN continuously committed to recruiting, training and retaining technical staff
while promoting innovations. The following focal points are to be considered; ● Vertical Specialization. The latest technologies covered vast areas of
specialization. Hence, the concept of vertical specialization has been identified as
● Talent Recruitment for Technology Branches. Being a technical force, cost-effective and efficient method. SLN also can practice the same to train
continuous enrolment of technical staff is essential to reach the goals of SLN. The identified individuals/ groups for specific skilled tasks/ work, provide necessary
wages and perks, recognition of the society to the engineers and technical tools and equipment for them adequately and utilize them where deemed.
professionals, freedom of job and many other factors directly impact on recruitment
process. The pre-requisites such as minimum educational qualifications to enlist to
the technical staff are comparatively high and these requisites keep the number of Naval Entrepreneurship, Outsourcing and Sharing
eligible candidates lower. However, considering the complexity of the job and the
danger can cause to men and equipment in case of unprofessionalism, SLN is not The SLN’s technological expertise, resources, and facilities can be strategically offered to external
in a position to lower the required minimum qualifications to enlist technical staff. entities for national benefit, ensuring optimal utilization without compromising naval duties. This
Higher basic qualifications keep the expectations on salary and privileges high, process should be guided by thorough analysis and careful consideration. The boat-building
whereas they can seek better opportunities at outside. This phenomenon is expertise at NBBY, along with innovative R&D outcomes such as RO plants, medicine infusion
experienced by SLN while enlisting officers and artificers to technical branches systems, engine control and monitoring systems, fire alarm systems, steering control systems, and
that need immediate solutions. bilge alarm systems developed by the SLN, can be leveraged for commercial ventures.
Additionally, naval assets like the proposed floating dock facility and technical assistance services
● Training Programmes. Basic training, specialized training programmes and can be offered to local and international customers, contributing to national income generation and
Continuous Professional Development (CPD) are essential to maintain the strengthening the country’s reserves.
proficiency of naval personnel. The exorbitant cost incurred for technical training
is one of the major obstacles in training. However, investing in technology training The national security concerns are the foremost important consideration to ensure while
will provide ROI in the long term to SLN and the country. Type training is essential outsourcing. Accordingly, basic infrastructure development and services including transportation
to update the knowledge of modern systems. Since the technology is developing facilities can be outsourced. However, the configuration of equipment, password protections,
rapidly, type training also needs to continue. Due to the heavy cost incurred for maintenance of critical facilities and redundancy paths and developments in high-security zones
foreign training, the trainee trainer method can be used to get training for a few are not recommended to be outsourced. Sharing resources, facilities and knowledge cautiously as
selected personnel and train the rest of them for identified sections. needed with other selected organizations is another way of maximizing the limited and expensive
capabilities within the organizations.
● Talent Retention. The availability of job opportunities, higher wages and perks
given outside for professionals/ skilled workers has caused to increase the Advanced Weapon and Defence Systems
premature leave and unexpected evaporation while reducing the retention rate after
initial engagements of technical officers and sailors enrolled. The inability to retain SLN continually invests in the acquisition, development and integration of advanced weapon
trained and experienced cadre greatly impacts on smooth and efficient functioning systems merely not only for conventional warfare but to ensure national security and sovereignty
of the Navy. Hence, a holistic approach is essential for talent recruitment and through deterrence while adapting to future threats. The acquiring multi-domain inter-operational
retention to function SLN to achieve the desired maritime security objectives. capability with different military forces, navies and to have flexibility in missions, ensure accuracy
and precision are the other advantages of having advanced weapon systems. These may include
short, medium and long-range weapon systems, missile systems, integrated air and missile defence
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