Page 94 - navstrat
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       accidents at      Dialogue                       Inadequate                               for improved
 sea   Maritime                                         welfare                                  quality of life
 Symposium,                                             measures on
 CMF, UN                                                par with
 missions                                               regional navies
 10. Cyber Security  Improved   Inadequate   Enhance cyber   Modern ICT   14. Increased   Acceptance   As silent   Increase awareness   Public awareness
 resilience of   ICT   security in skilled   infrastructure and   Public   among the   service, most   on maritime affairs   campaigns.
 our cyber   infrastructure   men and   train skilled   awareness   general public  of the work by   among general public
 domain   infrastructure to face   operators to face   and support   and   SLN in   and stakeholder   Effective
 cyber security threats   cyber security   on maritime   stakeholders   maritime   organizations   Communication.
 challenges             affairs                         domain not
 11. CBRN   Effective   Lack of CBRN  Improve CBRN   Modern CBRN   reached to                    Engagement
 preparedness  CBRN   capacity &   capacity &   capabilities to   public                         Initiatives
 response force  capability   capabilities   enhance CBRN
 preparedness,                                          Lack of
 resilience with                                        awareness and
 international and                                      inadequate
 government                                             support from
 collaboration                                          stakeholders
                                                        and general
 Radio-active                                           public
 detection locations
 (Nuclear Disaster   Optimization of Fleet Composition
 Early Warning
 12. Providing   Healthy   Lack of   Improved health   Sufficient   The overall aim of the Sri Lankan Government’s strategic blueprint is to establish a technically
 better health   workforce   sufficient   facilities   budgetary   and tactically  sound well-balanced defence  force  by the  year 2030,  capable  of  addressing
 facilities   budgetary   allocation.   upcoming security  challenges in  line  with the  national  security  dimensions  of the country.  A
 allocations,      balanced fleet is identified as the key to achieving maritime objectives. Changing technology,
 facilities        economic and political compulsions and perception of own capabilities have  always played a
                   crucial role in determining the desired force level.

                   The SLN has developed into a sizeable fleet over the last 30 years, serving as the country’s primary
 13. High quality   Competent,   Lack of   Improve facilities and  Improved facilities   maritime force. However, the SLN has struggled to keep pace with the rapid advancements in the
 training and   skilled, high   sufficient   quality of training,   and quality   global maritime environment, particularly in terms of technology-based military hardware and
 retention of   morale &   budgetary   work-life balance   training   firepower. This shortfall can be attributed to a lack of national interest and economic constraints.
 the best men   combat ready   allocations,   The re-orientation of the SLN is intricately linked to the national defence policy, but progress has
 and women   workforce   facilities   Appropriate salary   Work-life balance   been hindered by the absence of a comprehensive defence policy, a lack of awareness among
 structure aiming      policy makers and budgetary constraints.
 Inadequate   retention of best   Skills
 skills &   employees and   development   Despite these challenges, the perceived threats to Sri Lanka’s maritime interests have prompted
 competencies   increase welfare      the formulation of a  naval strategy and  concept of operations, encompassing  planning for
 for a   facilities   Appropriate wages   personnel, platforms and other support facilities. However, considering all available resources and
 modernizing      in par with outside   constraints, the SLN must evaluate its current strength and strategic plan for the future to determine
 Navy   Improving just   private sector   a justified naval strength that ensures a secure and successful trajectory into the future.
    system based on   aiming to retain
 Lack of   meritocracy   skilled personnel
 based appraisal   Welfare measures
 system   and key enablers

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