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                                                                                                 neighbour SAR
 Implementing                                                                                    regions
 measures to protect
 marine environment,                                                                             Joint rescue
 seaward pollution                                                                               operations

 Marine pollution   6. Responding to  Effectively       Lack of          Upgrading capacities    Enhance
 monitoring and        HADR             handle HADR  collaboration       and capabilities to     collaboration with
 controlling within our                 activities in   between          respond to HADR         stakeholder
 maritime jurisdictions                 SL waters and   maritime         eventualities locally,   maritime agencies
                                        respond to      agencies         regionally and          on HADR
 Technology                             global                           globally                activities
 utilization in                         necessities as   Lack of proper
 deterring IUU fishing                  a credible      equipment/       Collaboration with      Proper assets and
 fleets                                 stakeholder     assets to        maritime agencies       equipment to
                                                        engage in        national and            handle HADR
 Surveillance,                                          HADR             international           incidents (new
 reconnaissance & law                                                                            acquisitions to
 enforcement                                            Lack of          Integration of          have capacity for
                                                        adequate MDA  technology and a           quick changeovers
 Diplomatic relations                                                    force multiplier in     for disaster relief
 and enhanced C4ISR                                                      HADR missions           missions)
                                                                         Specific module of      Unmanned
 5. Conducting   Effectively   Not ratified   Ratification of SAR   SAR Convention   training required to   vehicles for
 Maritime   coordinate   SAR   Convention                                conduct through         disaster response
 Search and   SAR   Convention   MRCC sub                                capacity building       and relief missions
 Rescue   operations to   Employment of SAR   stations   7. Port   Resilient port   Ability to   Port security   Appropriate
 ensure   Lack of   teams      Operations   operations and  maintain port   initiatives,         regulations and
 minimal loss   equipment      Aerial surveillance   and Critical   relevant   security   maintenance of   entry restrictions.
 of lives at Sri   /assets cover   Enhance diplomatic   Infrastructure  infrastructure   facilities as per  facilities, security of
 Lankan SAR   all sea areas   ties with   Satellite imaging   Security   international   facilities, cyber   MoUs and
 Region   defined under   neighbouring SAR   Safety and   standards      security, and           regulations to
 GMDSS   regions   Radio                security of                      international           ensure maritime
       communication                    offshore        Ability to       agreements/treaties     safety & security
 Lack of   Through legal                installations   provide safety
 platforms and   binding cooperation   International   including   and security to   Create collaborative   ISPS audits.
 trained   agreements on SAR   cooperation   submarine   offshore        framework with
 personnel   and possible disasters     cables          installations    stakeholder agencies    Freight scanners,
    at sea   Unmanned/ Drone                            including        for safety and          sensors and
    technology                                          submarine        security of ports and   equipment
 Lack of proper                                         cables           port facilities
 MoUs with
 neighbouring   Make Availability                       Security of      Implementation of       Interagency
 SAR regions   of                                       harbour          ISPS audit              intelligence
 equipment/assets                                       approaches                               sharing at national
 to cover all sea                                       and channels     Developing CBRN         and international
 areas defined                                                           identification (IMDG    level
 under GMDSS                                            Ability to       Code), response and
                                                        maintain         mitigation              Multi-purpose
 Signing SAR                                            required                                 tugs for
 partnership with

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