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       depths in ports   capabilities and   employment for         Insufficient   equipment and
 and   capacities   port operations                     berthing,        systems acquisitions
 approaches   emergencies (oil                          logistic
 Increased C4ISR   spills; fire-fighting                facilities and   Induction of versatile,
 Ability to   capabilities and   etc.)                  costly routine   cost effective and
 identify and   capacities                              maintenances     flexible platforms
 respond to                                                              that could be made
 potential                                                               ready to undertake
 CBRN threats                                                            various missions and
 Increasing                                                              employment
 threat by
 asymmetric                                                              Conducting
 and hybrid                                                              consistent and
 threats                                                                 sustained Maritime
                                                                         patrols, surveillance
 8. Improving   Force   A significantly  Through Naval   Versatile and   and reconnaissance
 Defence and   generation for   large coastal   training and   flexible platforms   missions
 Deterrence   credible   area, internal   readiness,   to conduct
 defence &   waters and   interoperability,   sustained, cost            Employment of
 deterrence in   islands   interdependency,   effective multi-           unmanned
 the maritime   tactical assets,   role missions                         submersibles,
 zones, coastal   Lack of ability   surveillance and                     underwater sensors
 region and the   to have   reconnaissance   Unmanned                    along, inside  and off
 islands   defence and   capabilities and   Vehicles on                  our harbours and
 deterrence.   capacity,   platforms                                     approaches
    coordination with      9. Nurturing   Strong        Lack of strong,  Engaging in             Proper
 Acute   partner agencies,   SLCG and the   enduring   international   credible   multilateral maritime   procedures and
 deficiency in   regional and   Strategic Reserve   partnerships   and local   international   security cooperative   regulations
 self-defence,   international   forces   with local,   partnerships to  partnerships   initiatives   between local
 surface,   stakeholders.      regional and   cater maritime  Lack of    Leasing of potential    entities to face
 subsurface and   C4ISR suites   global entities   security and   collaboration   platforms for   maritime security
 air sensory   Strengthening coastal  onboard platforms   for collective   safety   between local   employment on   concerns in
 capabilities   defence/ protection      challenges   concerns of   stakeholders   international mission   Maritime zones of
 and capacities,  through re-orientation  Maritime Air   without   maritime      requirements    Sri Lanka
 equipment,   of basin structures,   Surveillances   military   zones of Sri
 expertise,   use of technology and     alliances   Lanka
 weaponry &   mechanization   Maritime combat
 CONOPS   increasing presence,   air power              Possible covert  Taking lead in
    interdictions                                       pressure to be   promoting rules         Maritime
                                                        pushed into      based good order and    diplomatic
    Acquiring credible                                  military         accessibility to all in   relations and
 Operational   three dimensional                        alliances        the IOR                 diversification
 readiness and   capabilities                                                                    with more credible
 number of                                                               Pragmatic relations     partners
 aging   Achieving an                                   Need for legal   with maritime
 platforms   operational readiness                      binding          stakeholders            Colombo Security
 exceeding   of over 75 %                               cooperation                              Conclave; IORA,
 operational life                                       agreements on                            Combined
 cycles   Improved self-                                SAR and                                  Maritime Force
 defence through                                        possible oil                             Partnership, IFC
 firepower, sensors,                                    spills and                               Colombo, Galle

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