Page 91 - navstrat
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depths in ports capabilities and employment for
and capacities port operations
approaches emergencies (oil
Increased C4ISR spills; fire-fighting
Ability to capabilities and etc.)
identify and capacities
respond to
CBRN threats
threat by
and hybrid
8. Improving Force A significantly Through Naval Versatile and
Defence and generation for large coastal training and flexible platforms
Deterrence credible area, internal readiness, to conduct
defence & waters and interoperability, sustained, cost
deterrence in islands interdependency, effective multi-
the maritime tactical assets, role missions
zones, coastal Lack of ability surveillance and
region and the to have reconnaissance Unmanned
islands defence and capabilities and Vehicles on
deterrence. capacity, platforms
coordination with
Acute partner agencies, SLCG and the
deficiency in regional and Strategic Reserve
self-defence, international forces
surface, stakeholders.
subsurface and C4ISR suites
air sensory Strengthening coastal onboard platforms
capabilities defence/ protection
and capacities, through re-orientation Maritime Air
equipment, of basin structures, Surveillances
expertise, use of technology and
weaponry & mechanization Maritime combat
CONOPS increasing presence, air power
Acquiring credible
Operational three dimensional
readiness and capabilities
number of
aging Achieving an
platforms operational readiness
exceeding of over 75 %
operational life
cycles Improved self-
defence through
firepower, sensors,