Page 173 - MDSL Final
P. 173

        The Diplomatic Role

        Naval diplomacy entails the use of naval forces in support of foreign policy
        objectives to build ‘bridges of friendship’ and strengthen international
        cooperation on one hand and to signal capability and intent to deter
        potential  adversaries  on  the  other.  The  larger  purpose  of  the  Navy’s
        diplomatic  role  is  to  favourably  shape  the  maritime  environment  in
        the furtherance of national interests, in consonance with the foreign
        policy and national security objectives. Navies inherently lean towards
        performing a diplomatic role on account of two main characteristics.
        The  first  is  their  status  as  comprehensive  instruments  of  a  country’s
        sovereign power, whereupon their very presence in or off a certain area
        signals the nation’s political intent and commitment to pursue national
        interests in  that region.  Hence,  their presence  or absence  can be
        calibrated to send a political message to potential friends and foes alike.
        The second characteristic facilitating the Navy’s diplomatic role lies in
        the attributes of maritime forces, including access, mobility, sustenance,
        reach, flexibility and versatility. These combine to offer a variety of tools
        for furthering national interests and pursuing foreign policy goals. Naval
        forces can be readily deployed; they can perform multiple roles and tasks
        that can be calibrated in visibility and intensity as per the requirements;
        and they can just as easily and rapidly be withdrawn, to send a counter-

        Track 2 Diplomacy

        Interaction among people from advisory groups or nations, intended to
        explore issues and solutions in an informal and unofficial basis. Typically,
        this takes the form of academic conferences in which, military officers,
        government  officials  and  academics  participate  as  private  individual
        rather  than  as  official  representatives.  However,  Track  1.5  Diplomacy
        is  more  prominent  in  problem  solving  activities  aimed  at  building
        relationship  and  encouraging  new  thinking  that  can  re-enforced  the
        official process.

        154  To Nurture a Stable Environment at Sea
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