Page 54 - MDSL Final
P. 54


                  Figure 3.3 - Military Operations Other Than War Highlighted 15

        In American and British doctrines, operations other than war embrace
        peace  support  operations  within  which  is  peacekeeping,  peace
        enforcement,  conflict  prevention,  peace-making,  peace  building,
        humanitarian operations  and counter insurgency, which is abbreviated
        as COIN within which is subversion, terrorism and armed insurrection.

        Levels of War

        The levels of warfare provide a framework to rationalise and categorise
        military  activity.  There  are  three  levels  of  war  addressed  by  national
        and naval planners for determining the quantum and manner in which
        national power in general and maritime power in particular, is to be
        applied. These are strategic, operational and tactical levels of war.

        This framework, also clarifies the interrelationships between the various
        levels, although these should not be seen as discrete, as the levels often
        overlap.  The  framework  of  strategic,  operational  and  tactical  levels

        36   To Nurture a Stable Environment at Sea
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