Page 57 - MDSL Final
P. 57

        The object in war is to impose our will on our enemy. In order to fulfil
        this object, either it is the organised application or threat of violence by
        military force.

                   “There is no instance of a nation benefitting from
                                 prolonged warfare.”

                                                         Sun Tzu

        Attributes in War

                Friction, Uncertainty, Fluidity, Disorder, Complexity and


        Friction is the element that amalgamates to form the atmosphere of war
        and turn into a medium which hampers activity. Simply it is a struggle
        between  two or more opposing  concepts or wills.  Conduct  of  war
        becomes extremely difficult due to the various factors. These factors
        are called as friction. It makes the simple task difficult and difficult task
        impossible. Friction could be mental as in decision over a course of action.
        Similarly,  it  could  be  physical  due  to  effective  enemy  fire  or  physical
        obstacles placed by enemy in terrain (Sea).  Sometimes, friction could be
        self-imposted such as undefined goals, poor coordination, complicated
        plans,  complicated  task  organisations,  top-down  relationships  or
        complex technologies.

                 ‘Friction will always have a psychological and physical

        Will  of  the  human  component  is  the  key  to  overcome  the  friction.
        Therefore, it is essential to strive ourselves to overcome the effects of
        friction and ensure to impose the friction of our enemy to a level that
        weakens his will to fight. Friction makes defence forces less effective in
        combat and it’s prescription is experience. Therefore, only with thorough

                                                To Nurture a Stable Environment at Sea  39
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