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 ●   Capacities.  In  order  to meet the  reduction of cadre, the  selected number of   planning and designing of naval architecture in SLN to face the dynamic and never-
 courses  will  be  omitted from the training  programmes  which  are  not  directly   ending maritime challenges. These include the Masters/ PGDip programmes and
 connected  with  naval  training scope.  Further, number of  berths  allocated  and   specific training  courses  at  local  and  foreign universities  and  military  training
 frequency of the courses will be reduced accordingly under assessment of the future   institutes for both officers and sailors.
 requirements.  A separate  foreign training wing will be established step by step
 under the Training  Directorate to  offer  more opportunity  to regional  navies  to   Way Forward of Sri Lanka Coast Guard
 undergo  training in SLN,  with the  aim  of strengthening bilateral/  multilateral
 cooperation.      Globally and regionally, naval forces are gradually ceding constabulary roles to Maritime Law
                   Enforcement Agencies  (MLEAs),  particularly  Coast Guards. This shift is  underscored  by  the
 Mode of Conduct   rationale for MLEAs notably Coast Guards to serve as peace officers, signalling a paradigm shift
                   in maritime security. The SLN played a unitary peacetime role in maritime resource protection,
 Training  and capacity  building  in SLN  is  planned  and  conducted  at number  of training   maritime  surveillance,  and  maritime  law  enforcement  with  the increasing  challenges of
 establishment  within  the navy and outside institutions. Such include  both  local  and foreign   maintaining a secure maritime environment.
 institutions such as naval training academies, universities, colleges, institutes in public and private
 nature. Major categories of professional training will be conducted as follows;      Forecasted  Capacities of  SLCG. The SLCG,  while  gaining  operational  and
                                 training competence, faces  challenges  in  fully assuming  its  suite  of peacetime
 ●   Strategic Level Training.  The National Security and Strategic Studies Course   constabulary  roles.  Capacity shortfalls,  recruitment challenges  and other
 offered by NDC Colombo and the equivalent foreign training institutes will provide   endogenous  factors hinder  the  SLCG’s ability to  independently  perform  its
 training and capacity building for  senior  naval  officers.  This  training aims  to   mandated duties. Recognizing SLCG’s multifaceted mandate, existing capabilities,
 inculcate the knowledge and experience required in the decision-making process in   trained human resources and operational competence, maritime stakeholders expect
 planning naval operations and designing naval architecture at the strategic level to   increasing assistance  from the Coast  Guard.  Therefore, to address the national
 achieve national interests.     requirement, strengthening the Coast Guard is imperative by effectively taking over
                                 significant  sea assets  and  bases  predominantly held by the Navy. Thus,
 ●   Operational Level Training.  Staff course offered by DSCSC, Sri Lanka and the   NAVSTRAT-2030 has identified the need to handover specific naval bases along
 equivalent foreign training establishment are designed to deliver the knowledge and   with sea  assets to enhance  the  SLCG’s  capacity to fulfil  its  anticipated  law
 know-how for the middle level officers in planning operations at the operational   enforcement responsibilities,  encompassing the  entire  coastal  perimeter of the
 level in par with the decisions made by the strategic level. Further, specialization   island.
 courses  offered  for  respective  branches  will provide the technical and  specific
 knowledge  for the  middle level  officers to  perform  specific  duties assigned to
 individuals  when  performing  role and task carried out  during  the  respective      Coordination  and  Cooperation  between  SLN  and  SLCG.   Effective
 missions and operations undertake by SLN. In addition, Naval Fleet Training will   collaboration between  the  SLN and  SLCG  is  essential  throughout  to address
 be designed under Naval Fleet Command to address the requirement of conducting   dynamic  maritime  security  challenges.  While  the  SLCG  assumes  a  key  role  in
 joint/combined operations with local/ regional stakeholders. These training will include   frontline maritime law enforcement in the longer run, the SLN continues to play a crucial
 joint exercises, crew work up programmes and table top exercises in regional context.   function in information sharing, joint or combined maritime patrols and other assistance
                                 vital  to  mitigate  complex maritime  security  threats.  Therefore,  the execution  of  a
 ●   Tactical  Level  Training.   Basic  training  and  the  subsequent  higher  basic   Memorandum  of  Understanding  (MoU)  between  the  SLN  and  SLCG  is  imperative to
 training programmes will deliver the  knowledge  for  junior  officers to perform      systematize the responsibilities and functions assumed by both entities.
 duties at the tactical level. These training are undertaken at NMA and KDU, while
 offering basic degree for the junior officers to be proficient in both military and      Budgetary Independence.  Since, the SLCG assigned with separate budget head,
 academic studies in naval and related technical disciplines. In addition, the artificer   in the longer run it is appropriate to facilitate independent budgetary allocation for
 training courses at Naval Institute of Technology (NIT), recruit training courses and   the functioning of its assets. This proactive measure aims to prevent any overlap in
 the follow-up training including advancement and specialization courses for the   budget  allocation  with SLN.  By adopting this  approach, administrative
 sailors are designed to perform in parallel to the tactical level necessity of the naval   complexities could be  mitigated and such  a  delineation of  budgetary  resources
 force to perform its role and task efficiently and effectively. Further, training and   ensures  optimal utilization and  collaboration in maritime  security  endeavours,
 capacity building programmes  with  the coordination  of government  and  non-   enhancing overall operational efficiency.
 government agencies  will continue in  the areas  of  maritime law  enforcement,
 marine environmental protection, marine disaster management and HADR.      Acquisition  of  Oceanographic  Vessel.  Availability  of  comprehensive
                                 oceanographic data around Sri Lanka being an island nation with large sea area is
 ●   Career  Development/  Specific  Training.  Postgraduate Diploma  programmes/   vital in maritime security perspective as well as marine environmental stewardship,
 specific training  courses  are  designed  to provide specific career  development   exploring/exploitation of  maritime  resources and  international  cooperation.
 training required  to  obtain  technological know-how and  innovative  skills  in   Therefore, Sri Lanka acutely needs an oceanographic ship and equipment dedicated
 respective disciplines. Such training will offer new dimensions in the future    for oceanographic researches. Lack of such means have severely limited and

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