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Periodic Reviews and Assessments Cyber Security Audits
Conduct comprehensive reviews and assessments of the strategy’s implementation at regular Implement regular audits of cyber security measures to protect naval communication and
intervals, involving stakeholders from the Navy and other government agencies. These reviews information systems from evolving cyber threats. This involves considering various aspects of
identify strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for adaptation and resource allocation information security, technology infrastructure and personnel training. The following is a general
adjustments. Followings are some areas that SLN and SLCG can implement periodic reviews and framework for conducting cyber security audits;
● Conduct Infrastructure Analysis. Access the current state of communication
● Incident Analysis. Analyse maritime incidents, including successes and failures, and information system and identifying vulnerabilities in existing hardware,
to understand the root causes and identify areas for improvement. Then implement software and network system and implement the rectify procedure.
corrective measures based on the lessons learnt from incident analysis.
● Data Classification and Handling. Needs to implement a proper data
● Independent Evaluations. Consider engaging an independent expert panel to classification policy and evaluate how data is handled, stored and transmitted across
conduct periodic evaluations of the NAVSTRAT-2030 to provide an objective naval and other government and non-government agencies. Further, strengthen
assessment of the strategy’s effectiveness. This mechanism ensures solicit input access controls for critical systems and implement multi-factor authentication for
from experts, think tanks or international partners to gain external perspectives. sensitive information access.
● Training and Capability Assessments. Regularly assess the training ● Network Security. Implement intrusion detection and prevention systems
programmes and capabilities of naval personnel to ensure they are adequately especially when virtually linking with outsiders. Establish guidelines for secure
prepared to address emerging threats. Then identify areas where additional training collaboration with external entities especially in the expansion of systems like
or technological upgrades are necessary. Integrated Logistics Management System (ILMS), Integrated Treasury
Management Information System (ITMIS), etc. Further, needs to conduct regular
● Emergency Response Drills. Conduct regular emergency response drills to penetration testing to identify and rectify vulnerabilities.
evaluate the SLN and SLCG preparedness for various scenarios such as natural
disasters or security threats. ● Regular Audits and Assessments. Conduct periodic cyber security audits to
assess ongoing vulnerabilities. In that use red teaming exercise to simulate real-
Data Collection and Reporting world cyber threats.
Implement a robust data collection and fusion system to gather and distribution of relevant and
real-time information on maritime activities, incidents and navy operations. Further, regular
reporting on KPIs to relevant stakeholders of SLN, SLCG and government officials are to ensure Review of Environmental Impact
adaptation of strategy and accommodating required adjustments. Evaluate the impact of naval operations on the environment and assess the effectiveness of
measures taken to protect marine ecosystems. In particular, the SLN needs to consider the
Geopolitical and Regional Dynamics environmental impact to ensure sustainable and responsible practices. The following are key
Monitor public perception and community engagement efforts related to maritime security. Use considerations for monitoring and evaluating the environmental impact;
surveys and feedback mechanisms to gauge public awareness and confidence in the SLN’s ability ● Ecosystem Analysis. Conduct a comprehensive analysis of the maritime
to address maritime threats. The Navy should implement tools like big data, Power BI, AI, etc. to ecosystem including habitats, biodiversity and vulnerable species in the operational
extract meaningful insights, hidden patterns, predict future trends and public preferences through areas.
social media like Facebook, TikTok, X, Instagram, WhatsApp etc. to have better prediction of
public awareness and their perception regarding Navy’s efforts. ● Pollution Assessment. Assess the current levels of land, water and air pollution in
the maritime zones. In this, there is a need to identify potential sources of pollution
Compliance with Local and International Laws and Conventions due to naval activities.
Needs to ensure ongoing compliance with local and international maritime laws and conventions ● Renewable Energy Integration. Explore opportunities to integrate renewable
regarding the navy’s projects and planning. It is mandated to review legal frameworks and update energy sources like solar, wind or hybrid systems for powering naval bases, vessels
them to address any gaps or changes in local and international regulations. Further, the navy should and facilities.
work in close ties with government agencies and government accepted Non-Governmental
Organizations (NGOs) to have better compliance with local and international laws and ● Analysis of Climate Change Impact. Analyse the potential impact of climate
conventions. change considering rising sea levels, changes in weather patterns and their
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