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               ●      Advanced  Surveillance Systems.  SLN is  to be  equipped with  state-of-the-art
                      maritime  surveillance  systems,  including the newest radar  systems,  Unmanned
                      Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), underwater detection and analysis sensors and vehicles,
                      Automatic Identification Systems (AIS), Global Positioning Systems (GPS), Vessel
                      Monitoring Systems (VMSs), satellite surveillance facilities, to improve real-time
                      situational awareness. The High-Frequency Surface Wave Radar (HFSWR) system
                      on the Eastern  coast served immensely  to  apprehend vessels  conducting  illegal
                      activities in the long-range beyond the coverage of typical radars in the past. The
                      introduction of similar mechanisms to other areas towards South East, South and
                      Western coasts will enhance real-time detection capabilities further. However, this
                      process has to commence subjected to careful study of the existing system and its
                      utilization at present and future.

               ●      Data Fusion and Analysis.  The establishment of a robust data fusion and analysis
                      centre  to integrate  information  from various  sources  has  enabled a  quick and
                      informed decision-making process. This  mechanism will enhance  with  full
                      functioning of existing IFC and MRCC by acquiring equipment and sensor nodes
                      for surveillance stations, main units, sub-units and platforms. Interconnection of
                      those systems  is  possible only  through  adequate  data,  telephone  and other
                      communication  network  facilities  including  MF, HF,  VHF, UHF and  satellite
                      communications means. Integration of AIS, Automatic Vessel Locating System
                      (AVLS), GMDSS, updated electronic charts and mapping data, human intelligence
                      and sharing information with local, foreign and multinational institutions will easier
                      this process.

               ●      Under Water Detection Capability.  The increasing power rivalries in the IOR,
                      require the necessity of having underwater detection capability for major ports in
                      the country and platforms. Frigate with ASW capability would be the best option
                      for platforms for this purpose. Due to the financial constraints, instead of high-end
                      sonar systems;  affordable dipping sonars, towed  array  sonars  or  unmanned
                      underwater vehicles will serve the purpose.

               ●      Hydrography and Oceanography.   Considering the large sea area belongs to
                      the country, hydrography and  oceanography  surveying capability  is  another
                      concern of SLN and SLCG. Hydrographic and Oceanographic survey platforms
                      with multi-beam echo sounders  will serve this  purpose. The introduction  of
                      surveying equipment onboard ships/craft as feasible is another option at the early

        Total Maritime Surveillance Solution

        A Total Maritime Surveillance Solution (TMSS) is an integrated, comprehensive solution designed
        to monitor, manage and control maritime-related activities covering the maritime domain of the
        country. This total solution consists of the following to ensure safety, security and to have real-
        time situational awareness and reaction;

               ●      Surveillance using coastal sensors (Radars, HFSWR, High-resolution day and night
                      cameras, Underwater detectors)
               ●      Surveillance using sensors onboard fleet units
               ●      Human and Maritime Intelligence
               ●      Weather and Environmental Sensors

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