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New Design Centre (ENDC), Machinery Testing and Trials Unit (MTTU), and Hull
Naval Fleet Modernization Inspection and Trials Unit (HITU) are engaged with designing, fabrication, testing
and commissioning process. This process can be further developed to build military
The key component of maritime power projection is the naval fleet. The rapid development in the and non-military craft even bigger than IPCs utilizing own capabilities and with the
maritime industry in the world with technological evolve demands SLN to modernize her fleet by collaboration of other stakeholders.
acquiring modern platforms and technologies while timely phasing out or replacing obsolete
technologies, equipment, systems and platforms. ● Extended Service life through Technology Insertion. The service life of ships
and systems can be extended by upgrading them with the latest technologies and
● Upgradation of Existing Fleet. SLN is compelled to maintain a sufficient compatible indigenous solutions derived through R&D. Introduction of such viable
number of fleet units to accomplish the role and task entrusted. However, due to solutions including the cost incurred in the R&D projects is economical compared
financial constraints, the acquisition of new platforms would be limited within the to building an entirely a new ship. The insertion of propulsion systems, engines,
next five years. Hence, the implementation of a comprehensive modernization plan auxiliary machinery, control systems, the newest sophisticated surveillance systems
for the existing fleet, incorporating advanced navigation, communication, weapon and communication systems into the existing platforms multiply their capabilities
systems, main and auxiliary machinery would be the possible way forward to SLN. effectively.
Acquiring underwater detection capability for existing platforms as feasible is also
essential in the future.
● Routine Maintenance. The operational readiness, effectiveness, longevity and
● Acquisition of Multi-Mission Capability Platforms. The naval role at sea is reliability of naval vessels and systems exclusively depend on the proper and
versatile and the naval fleet must be capable of performing various missions at sea. appropriate maintenance philosophy of SLN. This ensures the safety of men and
There is a need to acquire next-generation naval vessels equipped with advanced equipment by preventing catastrophic failures. The cost incurred for major repairs/
sensor suites, stealth technology, long-range precision strike capabilities, three- major overhauls or entire system replacement in the absence of routine maintenance
dimensional detection and surveillance capabilities including underwater detection would cost more than periodic maintenance. Amidst financial constraints, the
capability for SLN to meet the anticipated threats and commitments in the future. routine maintenance of costly platforms is indispensable to preserve them for
Another aspect is to consider the acquisition of Multi-Role Research Vessels, tugs decades to come.
and Air-Cushion Vehicles (ACVs) commonly known as Hovercraft to operate on
the ground, water, sand, mud and various other surfaces.
● Preservation of Fleet Units. The change of role in SLN from humanitarian
operations to encountering contemporary non-traditional threats and challenges
● Acquisition of a Floating Dock. Considering the number of fleet units to be
maintained, the acquisition of a floating dock will provide several benefits to SLN. requisite preservation of existing assets including some of the fleet units. These
Accordingly, it is important to enhance the in-house technical capabilities to carry assets are used exclusively and extensively for the operational requirements in the
docking related repairs and maintenance while seeing the possibilities of sharing past and limited operations at present. Hence, it is viable to preserve them for future
usage while pursuing possibilities to transfer them as feasible to other institutions
such assets with other organizations for the best use of them and to make the ROI or navies.
● Phasing out Assets. SLN has realized the necessity of replacing some of the ● Environmental Sustainability and Acceptability through Green Technologies.
existing fleet units, systems and equipment by suitable means due to being beyond SLN is required to integrate environmental friendly technologies into naval
economical and which do not facilitate to upgrade or sustain with available operations including energy-efficient vessels and waste reduction measures. Most
technologies. of the international harbours do not allow ships enter to their ports without having
environmentally safe machinery and systems onboard including Oil Water
● Naval Aviation. UAVs and drones would be a better option to cover the air Separators and Sewage Treatment Plants, which compelled SLN to draw
space at this juncture. These UAVs can be used in coastal bases as well as onboard consideration.
ships at sea as a force multiplier.
● Interoperability and Joint Operations. Naval fleets are frequently engaging
● Ship Design and Propulsion. Innovative ship design, incorporating with joint and combined nature operations. Upgraded technology is essential to
advanced materials and propulsion systems contributes to improving fuel efficiency ensure interoperability in multinational operations, SAR missions, exercises and
and reducing maintenance requirements while increasing the operational range. The for participating in international peacekeeping missions responding to global
adoption of alternative fuels and propulsion technologies also aligns with traditional and non-traditional security challenges.
environmental sustainability goals. SLN is very capable of constructing indigenous
smaller craft (Inshore Patrol Craft etc.). The Directorate of Naval Design (DND),
Naval Boat Building Yard (NBBY), Research Development Unit (RDU), Electrical
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