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2. Ensuring Strict Lack of This should be IFC and MRCC. illegal maritime legal interdiction International laws
Maritime compliance of credible three- through inspection, activities framework capability, seizure on maritime safety
Safety and Maritime dimensional maritime safety and Versatile and rate and security
Security Safety and maritime security laws. Boat flexile cost- Increased Lack of
Security capability registration safety effective platforms seizure rate enforcement of This should be Maritime
Laws, inspection under a with enhanced legal mitigated through diplomatic
provisions unitary authority C4ISR capabilities Enabling framework in pragmatic diplomatic relations and
Inability to that could be growth of blue sensitive sea relations diversification
Minimizing conduct Collaborative use of equipped for economy areas with more credible
maritime sustainable network-centric various mission Cautious and partners
security MARSEC data/information at requirements Lack of measured approach in
incidents in operations in pre-classifying threats expertise for implementing and Colombo Security
our maritime our domain and advance response Declared port of comprehensive ratification of Conclave; IORA,
domain as in collaboration and refuge and effective legislations Combined
spill overs of Lack of cooperation with policy making Maritime Force
the escalating maritime national, regional and in the maritime Ensuring safety and Partnership, IFC
situation in the incident international domain and security of SLOCs, Colombo, Galle
Red Sea area management stakeholders lack of legal port, harbours, other Dialogue
assets and experts critical maritime Maritime
Effective and equipment Increasing and specialized in infrastructures and Symposium,
efficient investing in MDA the maritime maritime resources IONS, HACGAM
management capabilities domain through SLN / SLCG etc.
of maritime operations
safety-related Developing marine Lack of SLN/ SLCG force
incidents scientific research understanding and assets
capabilities of having
Through the security as a
effectiveness of Port key enabler of
blue economy
Authority agencies,
maintenance of Increasing
facilities, security of regional (IOR)
facilities, cyber instability
security, and 4. Protection of Zero Non- Through Fisheries Awareness
international Natural exploitation & availability of related training, training.
agreements/treaties Resources and exhaustion of versatile capacity building
EEZ our marine platforms, real initiatives, strict law Versatile
Establishing proper Management resources & time MDA & enforcement, platforms for data
maritime casualty eco systems adequate legal international collection and
management by illegitimate framework agreements conducting
mechanism agencies/ sustained maritime
organizations Lack of law Enactment/ research
Identifying suitable enforcement in strengthening of
places as port of sensitive sea appropriate domestics
refuge Preventing areas laws for preserving SLN/SLCG
Increased IUU conservation and
IUU fishing
3. Maritime Law Good order at Lack of This should be Domestic and use of our fishing and management of
Enforcement sea and effective legal through laws and maritime laws in waters for illegal maritime resources Sensors, systems,
Ensuring Rule accessible to mechanism on regulations, line with illegal activities in equipment and
Based Good all nations and par with equipment, law international laws activities maritime zones Research & data C4ISR
Order at Sea free from international enforcement training, of SL collection
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