Page 86 - navstrat
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 Meanwhile, the FMVs, the FGBs and the FACs are serving and deployed beyond their respective      Understanding Our Approach (the Logic for ENDS, WAYS and MEANS)
 original life cycles. Keeping these operational and maintenance has become cost-intensive. The
 lack of spares and high maintenance costs involved induce a critical drag into our future fleet   The  policy guidance  provided  by the  higher authority,  national  interests and  national security
                   objectives, assessment of our strategic environment and our corresponding focal areas of interest
 advances. Eventually, some of these platforms will have to be phased out in order to provide for   underscored the devising of our strategic imperatives or objectives for the SLN. Identification of
 new acquisitions. There needs to be a proper appraisal of the respective roles expected from each   these  strategic objectives (ENDS) reflects  our focus  on  root  purposes  and  causes  and  an
 platform and prescribing the right role-task-platform synchronization. These need to be gradually   appreciation of the strategic environment.  These objectives on accomplishment are to result in
 phased out before transforming into serious liabilities. Similarly, the FPVs are also limited in   desired effects and the achievement of the desired end states as a nation.
 deployment considering seaworthiness.   Articulation of the strategic  concepts  (WAYS) explains  ‘how’  the  end state  is  to  be  achieved
                   through the employment of instruments of power at our disposal. Thus, the following rationale
 The IPCs have seriously become redundant and incapable of responding to the perennial non-   approach was undertaken in order to identify suitable, viable and acceptable strategic concepts and
 traditional threats existent from the North-western coast to the Northern coast. The SLN needs to   means with low or no risks in articulating a new orientation for the future SLN.
 rethink the employment of a suitable all-weather platform/platforms along these coastal waters to
 deter and deny IUU fishing and illicit activities.   Table 11.2

 Overall,  the  entire SLN fleet is  severely short of credible  surface, subsurface or  anti-air   ENDS, WAYS and MEANS Approach
 capabilities. They acutely lack versatility and flexibility which is essential for a balanced Navy to
 achieve the desired effect in an object area. To offset the high costs involved in operating ships,   Enduring Needs/   Desired   Operational   Strategic Concept   Resources
 aircraft on the high seas can be leveraged through advanced technology.   Strategic Objectives   Effect   Challenges &   (WAYS)   (MEANS)
 Basin Structure       (doing the right                      Deficiencies     (Doing things right       (Costs)
                          things or                                             or efficiency)
 There is  an apparent  incoherence  of our  Basin Structure  (ashore establishments,  berthing  &   effectiveness)
 maintenance facilities) to meet the future demands in the maritime domain. Across the existing 07   (ENDS)
 Area Authorities, there are 45 Commissioned bases, 03 Naval Deployments, 129 Detachments, 25   1. Achieving Maritime  MDA in our   Lack of credible  This should be through  Versatile and
 Naval Sub-units and 337 Coastal Observation Points (COPs). In a sense, SLN has overstretched   Domain Awareness   maritime region  three dimensional patrols, surveillance,   flexible surface
 itself along the coastal regions which had become even worse following the establishment of COPs   (MDA)   and beyond in all capability and   technical monitoring and and air platforms
 making administration, sustenance, logistics, communications and training arduous. In a security   weather   relevant   information sharing   An MPA can be an
 sense, these have become our critical vulnerabilities. However, we need to strengthen our coastal   conditions   investments   Maintaining a credible  effective
 security operations and missions ensuring our territorial integrity, sovereignty and the pursuit of   Real-time MDA  deterrent effect through a surveillance tool,
 our national interests.                                  capability and   persistent presence in our flying the EEZ
                                                          capacity         littoral and EEZ       often in less than
 Further, there also exists a more worrying phenomenon considering available berthing facilities,      covering a vast span of  an hour and
 provision of shore power, fresh water and waste disposal at any given time for our existing and   Less effective   area in all weather   patrolling
 future fleet forecasts. Given the associated annual maintenance and major overhauls and our own   maritime air   conditions. Visible   thousands of
 capacity to undertake the same, the Navy indeed faces a dilemma.   surveillance   presence deters lawless  square miles of sea
                                                          capability (so far  behaviours          more quickly than
 People                                                   zero seizure rate                       ships
                                                          since induction)  Increasing and investing
 Our personnel are not only for ships/craft but essential to support our fleet from ashore. Given our      in MDA capabilities   UAVs/ UUVs
 classic role, a significant number of personnel, over 6,000 are employed for non-naval roles and   Increasing threat  (IFC, MRCC)   might be cost
 tasks  from  maintaining RO plants,  non-security  related duties  at  religious  places and  other   by resurgence of     effective and a
 construction work. Further, there is a cadre of 6,472 personnel under the Volunteer Special Scheme   piracy and drone  Existing maritime   force multiplier
 (VSS) that  represents  a considerable  portion  of  our  overall complement. Further,  the Navy   attacks to global  surveillance asset to be    Real time satellite
                                                                           employed as per SLN
 maintains an active Volunteer Naval Force (VNF) of 11,157 including 379 Officers.
                                                          especially in the  mission requirements /  imagery
 Meanwhile,  our  work spaces,  accommodation  areas  are highly  congested  and  provisions  are   IOR (Red Sea   alternative is to train
 inadequate to provide for significant intrinsic or extrinsic benefits that are essential factors in   area). This shall  SLN crew to man
 maintaining a high status of morale among our men and women. These need to be immediately   persist till 2030  aircraft and separate vote
 addressed or ignorance to do so will result in a ‘butterfly effect’ that would be detrimental to the   allocated for SLAF for
 organization both short and long terms. We must be receptive, proactive and pragmatic in our   maintenance etc.
 approach to these worrying signs already visible in the horizon.

 Thus the synchronization of our people, ships and basin structure should complement in building
 our credibility in the execution of missions in our focal area of interests.

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